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What ages do you work with?

I support parent's of children aged 0 to 5 years.


Do you have antenatal classes?  

Yes. Check out my Newborn Healthy Sleep Habits package. This is the package for those parents who would like to feel confident when approaching their newborn's sleep. This gives you the understanding and education to be able to set up healthy sleep habits from the beginning and avoid the need to sleep train later down the track after months of sleep deprivation and tears. With newborns, I focus on overstimulation, overtiredness, appropriate wake time and wind down, and helping their circadian rhythms develop. 


What methods do you use? 

I use a range of methods. I take a nurturing and holistic approach to child sleep, therefore, there is no “one size fits all”.  In collaboration with you, we will choose a method that will support your child's temperament, your parenting style and your end goal. It's important to me that you are comfortable with the plan and are confident with supporting your little one's sleep. There are times when your parenting style may conflict with your child's temperament and together we can implement a plan that will work best for your little one. 


How long will it take? 

This depends on your child's temperament, consistency on your behalf and how deeply rooted your child's current sleep issue is. I've had client's sleep through the night on night 1 and other clients that have taken closer to 3 weeks to consolidate their sleep. 


Will my baby cry? 

In short, yes. Your baby's only form of communication is to cry. The key aspect here is understanding what your baby's tears mean. Up until now, your baby has learnt a certain sleep habit/association. Naturally, upon changing this association your baby will respond out loud. If they could speak they might express frustration or confusion. Part of my holistic approach is providing you with a deeper and better understanding of what your baby's cries mean and how you can best respond to and support them.


The amount of crying is largely dependent on your baby's temperament and age rather than the method used. If your baby is generally calm, you may find that they have a whinge in response to the changes. A sensitive baby may go from 0 - 100 in the space of seconds and a willful baby may cry on and off. Our main focus is understanding what your baby's needs are and ensuring we've provided them with a nurturing and supportive sleep environment.


All of my methods promote a secure attachment and ensure that baby is receiving optimal love, attention and nurturing. I don't promote traditional Cry It Out and prefer to enhance your ability to respond appropriately to each cry your baby makes. 


How much does it cost?

Head to my services page to review my packages. :) Give me a call or send me an email and we can work out what package will be most suitable.


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