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Sleep Training Phobia

You’d think by 26yrs of age (the age I was for my first baby) I would’ve stopped caring about what people think of me. You’d think that I would prioritise my well-being and my baby’s need for sleep. You’d think that I wouldn’t join the crowd and go with the ever-growing flow of sleep-deprived mums. Honestly, I didn’t know any better. Everyone kept telling me I was doing great and this phase shall pass. So I just continued doing what I was doing even though I was drowning and felt like I couldn’t understand my baby’s constant crying and wake-ups. 😓

I wanted help, I needed help, but as far as I was aware – sleep deprivation is a part of motherhood. We all go through it. It eventually passes and life goes on. For a very small few, this may be the case. For the vast majority, sleep deprivation may be a part of your life for 5years, or even longer if you have more than one child. This can be genuinely unhealthy and so draining on you, your children, your family and your marriage. 😴 💡Before we continue, let’s keep in mind that the 4th Trimester is always hard. There’s no secret wand or sleep training technique that will give you continuous full nights of sleep in the 4th trimester. Babies are learning, growing and developing at a rapid pace. The 4th trimester is all about mum’s recovery, bonding and establishing breastfeeding or finding the right formula for your baby. I don’t recommend sleep training during the 4th trimester and instead, I help mum’s implement Healthy Sleep Habits. They learn what is typical, how to best support their precious baby’s sleep and how to create the perfect environment for sleep. I love helping mums of newborns understand their baby’s needs and set up their sleep so that 9 times out of 10, they don’t ever have to sleep train. That’s the goal! 😁

Back to the sleep deprived though – I spent the first 6months of my beautiful, screaming daughter’s life absolutely at a loss. And guess what? There is no reward for being a sleep-deprived martyr. Your children are not benefiting from broken sleep. Nights spent waking multiple times to crawl into your bed, or excessive night feeds when we know that for their age and growth they surely don’t need to feed every 2hrs or post 9month sleep regression where their separation anxiety has become profound and they are experiencing broken sleep. This isn’t healthy for them and barely coping is not a long-term solution for you either. Your children need loving boundaries. You deserve to to be taught the skills that are sincerely lacking in our post-natal care. 🤗 Yet, current society deems Sleep Training a morbid experiment in love-deprivation and Cry It Out. Guess what? They’re wrong.🙅‍♀️ Don’t let claims fool you into thinking that teaching your child how to sleep properly will damage them. There’s 100% a way to teach your child to sleep without depriving them of love. Research it. DM me about it. Take control of your situation and become the parent you want to be. 😍I can help. I can teach you, support you and make the changes necessary to make parenthood a joy. 🙌 Send me a message if you're ready! 💛

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