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Why is my newborn baby crying?

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

Why Is My Newborn Baby Crying?

Newborn babies are great at crying. This is because crying is their only form of communication. The average baby cries 1- 5hrs in a 24hr period. Using the following 9 questions, you can troubleshoot why your baby is crying!


Is it time for a feed? When did they last feed? More than 2.5/3hrs ago? (hungry)

Is your baby’s nappy wet or soiled? (discomfort or cold)

Has your baby been sitting in the same place or position without a change of scenery? (boredom)

Has your newborn baby been up for more than 45mins - 1hr? (overtired)

Has your baby had lots of company or has there been a lot of activity in your household? (overstimulated)

Is your baby grimacing and pulling their legs up? (gas)

Is your baby crying inconsolably during or as much as an hour after feeds? (reflux/fast let down/overtired)

Is your baby spitting up? (overfeeding or reflux)

Is your baby’s room too hot or cold, or is your baby under or overdressed? (body temperature regulating)

These 9 simple questions can put a stop to your baby's tears and help you better understand and nurture your little one. When your baby cries, stop, think, troubleshoot and then act!

As always, if your baby's tears are overwhelming you, put them in a safe place, leave the room to regather yourself and enter once you've calmed down. There is no harm in giving yourself space so that you can better respond and care for your baby. An anxious, stressed or frustrated mum will merely convey these emotions to their baby. So for the benefit of both you and your baby, put them their cot, get some fresh air and then come back. <3

Rebekkah - Sleep Consultant


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